

Hello, my name is Christine Ericson. This blog is so I might add my voice to the thousands of Christians who wish to speak out on their beliefs. I want to encourage those out there who, "have not bowed their knee to Baal," and to remind everyone that God's ultimate Will will be done.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


What good is strength?
It fades with age.
Strength of mind or of body.
When we are young all that matters is what we can do.
When we are old, we deem ourselves nothing
For nothing is all we can do.
What is the purpose of this thing called "strength"?
It cannot be eaten,
It cannot always save us.
It brings no joy,
It gives no hope.
Strength of mind does little good,
Unless we have the means to make our thoughts real.
For those who do not, it means nothing.
For those who do, they will pass away with nothing.
This thing called strength can do us no permanent good,
So then, why do we seek to be stronger? be greater?
Why do we seek strength?
For those who find it to push themselves up
They will leave as the weakest of all.
But for those who understand,
For those who know what the true purpose of strength is,
They will know that strength is not so that we could save ourselves.
Nor even to save those around us.
The true purpose of strength...
Is so that we might cling to God all the tighter.
So that we may know him all the better.
Strength is so that we will not let go,
Not let go of Jesus the Christ.


Reversed Edge said...

This makes perfect sense, and it applies to me almost to a tee. I have been through eight years of nothing but pain and seeking strength to overcome it. And the irronic thing is, it was a very good friend of mine who helped me get back on the right track with the Lord, and attain the true strength that you just talked about. So thanks for writing this entry, and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Wow,this is REALLY good!And it makes alot of sense!
Kaci E.

Christine Ericson said...

Thanks. I've always thought the purpose of strength is not for any other reason, but to cling to God all the tighter.

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