

Hello, my name is Christine Ericson. This blog is so I might add my voice to the thousands of Christians who wish to speak out on their beliefs. I want to encourage those out there who, "have not bowed their knee to Baal," and to remind everyone that God's ultimate Will will be done.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


So I didn't get all of my fantasy bug out (I never will :) on that first fantasy post so I thought I'd do another of my favorites: Dragons!

Dragons come in many forms, even more than fairies! The main catagories would be:
  • Eastern Dragon
  • Western (or Heraldic) Dragon
  • Metallic Dragon
  • Coloric Dragon
  • Habitatual Dragon
Once again there are far too many to put in just one post, and the variations within the categories are astounding!

Western Dragons are by far the most famous and popular. They are the bat-winged, fire breathing menaces that eat beautiful damsels and hoard mountains of treasure. Never keep dragon treasure in your possession for extended periods of time, so much of the dragon's personality has been pored into his valuble that (if kept too long) will rub off you -- sometimes to the point where you become a dragon yourself. Western Dragons are vain and proud, but they cannot resist a good riddle. Their pride will not allow them to leave a question unanswered. Here are some of my favorite riddles:

Only one color but not one size,
Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.
Present in sun, but not in rain,
Doing no harm and feeling no pain.

What force and strength cannot get through
I with a gentle touch can do.
And many in the street would stand
Were I not a friend at hand.

In marble walls as white as milk,
Lined with skin as soft as silk,
Within a fountain crystal clear,
A golden apple does appear.
No doors are there to this stronghold-
Yet thieves break in and steel the gold.

You throw away the outside and cook the inside;
Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside.
What am I?

It occurs once in every minute
Twice in every moment
And yet never in one hundred thousand years.

What walks on 4 legs in the morning
2 legs in the afternoon
3 legs at night?

What has roots that nobody sees,
Is taller than trees.
Up, up is goes
And yet never grows?

(The answers will be posted in the comments below!)

Asian Dragons are not as "evil" as Western Dragons, but they are certainly wily! They will do nearly anything to accomplish their means. They are snobbish and think of us humans as being savage animals not worthy of their time.

Metalic Dragons are by far the most noble of the dragons. They are the secret preservers of peace and secret do-gooders. Both Metallic and Coloric dragons have the ability to change into a human form. This is how Metallic dragons can mingle with humans un-noticed.

Coloric Dragons are, without a doubt, the most evil, selfish, vile and devious of the dragons. They vary from cowardly evil to the devil's son. These dragons are born with one thought planted in their head, "How do I get what I want with out loosing my power?" All dragons have a thirst for freedom. The freedom of not having alliances, the freedom to go wherever they want, whenever they want without having to worry about anything. Coloric dragons want this freedom in a very self-serving way. They will promise their allegiance to your face to get ahead, then when you call upon them, they will desert!

Habitatual Dragons are great animals. Most cannot speak and are merely eating machines with a touch of the "magpie flu". They pillage and plunder to get to the fattest cows or tastiest children. If they get into a water system they water will gain a burning acidic taste. Some can breath fire, some can fly, some can do neither. These are the easiest dragons to deal with for although they can be tricky and sly, they do not have the same intelect as the other, "higher" species of dragon.


Christine Ericson said...

1) Shadow
2) A Key
3) An Egg
4) Corn on the Cob
5) The letter M
6) A Man (crawls as a baby, walks as an adult, and uses a cane as an old man)
7) A Mountain

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