

Hello, my name is Christine Ericson. This blog is so I might add my voice to the thousands of Christians who wish to speak out on their beliefs. I want to encourage those out there who, "have not bowed their knee to Baal," and to remind everyone that God's ultimate Will will be done.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Am I loved? pt. 8

Okay, we've done the "Emotional" and "Thinking" languages now we'll start the "Action" languages. First up is the Mover!

Positive Characteristics:
Movers have a strong personality whatever they do they do with gusto and strength!

Movers make things happen. They are in constant motion and don't stop! If they feel something is taking too long they will move on to another project.

Movers have a lot of energy. They need to because they are always doing something.

Movers are honest. They tell it like it is and like others to be upfront with them also.

Movers have the ability to discern right from wrong. They can accurately discern the motives of others.

Movers truly want to live righteously. They constantly examine their motives to be sure they are not just doing what is right, but because they know it is right.

Movers love adventure and are risk takers and usually the first to try something new.

Movers stand up for what they believe; they are more than willing to fight for their convictions.

Movers can be dramatic as in they can do bizarre and even dangerous things to make a point or to get your attention.

Possible Negative Characteristics:
Movers have a low self-esteem. They are hardest on themselves because of their high standards.

Movers tend to be harsh and too direct and abrupt. They often think that because their motives are pure their methods are great too. But this is all too often NOT the case.

Movers place high standards on others, causing the Mover to be unforgiving of flaws in family or friends. They do not realize that this way of thinking can be devastating to those around them.

Movers can be judgmental and critical. They can try to force people to change their motives without the help of God.

Movers are always moving on to do something new. This often lead them into having a million things only half done.

Movers can plow through people in an effort to accomplish their goals.

Movers have a tendancy to blame others when things go wrong. In their desire to correct others they often say the message, "You made a mistake," but it is usually recieved, "You are a mistake."

Movers usually jump to conclutions.

Movers are physical, active people. Since they act first, think second, they can be impulsive. On impulse, Movers can be physically abusive.

How to Show Love to a Mover:
Movers feel loved when you do activities with them. In order for them to recieve love, your motives must line up with your actions. Mean what you say and say what you mean and more importantly, follow through in your actions. It is most importan that your true motive is pure. Do things for a Mover soley as an expression of love.

Movers are "to the point" people. They do not like builing tension in a story; Movers want to hurry up and know the answer. When speaking with a Mover, start with the result and then explain why.

(This is an abbreviated answer. To Learn more, check out "Speaking of Love" by Fred and Anna Kendall.)


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