

Hello, my name is Christine Ericson. This blog is so I might add my voice to the thousands of Christians who wish to speak out on their beliefs. I want to encourage those out there who, "have not bowed their knee to Baal," and to remind everyone that God's ultimate Will will be done.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Parents' Rights

As Christians, it is our duty to be active in politics. We are obligated to use the system of government given us to support freedom -- especially the freedom to share Christianity.

Before becoming active in politics, it is necessary to be INFORMED about what is going on in America and the rest of the world.

The world will know us by our love, but they will know our love by what we choose to be passionate and active about.

This is a mini-movie about the current American standing on parents' rights. I and many of my friends have been affected by these happenings.

Be informed. Take action.


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