Title: Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles (Vol. 1-5)
Language (1 being clean, 10 being cuss-a-thon) - 6, they occasionally use hell, d**n, and even b***h
Morality (1 being clean, 10 being hethanistic) - 5, the only morality problem I have with it is that some of the girls are dressed provocatively.
Violence (1 being clean, 10 being a blood bath) - 7, the characters do a lot of fighting, and quite often people are killed. There is a lot of bloodiness.
Theme (1 being righteous, 10 being satanic) - 7, although the strong display of selfless love is prevalent between the main characters, there is a powerful witch who controls the show. There are also several side characters that use powerful witchcraft.
Over-all interest and read-ability (1 being terrible, 10 being amazing) - 7, this series is very interesting, and keeps you turning pages. You feel the pain and joy of the characters as they go through their adventures. However, I have a lot of difficulty getting past the witchcraft and swearing.
Plot Summary: Syaoran must travel through dimensions and worlds to recover the lost memories of his childhood friend, Princess Sakura. Using the power of the Space and Time Witch, Syaoran and Sakura along with Kurogane (an outcast bodyguard) and Fay D. Flourite (a wizard hiding from his native land) travel through space and time searching for the lost memories.
Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things."
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